Saying Goodbye to Summer

Au Revoir, Sayonara, Ciao to another summer.

I am reminded of all the things I tried to accomplish but didn't, never attempted, never mastered (the book to be read, the photos to be put in albums, the golf game I was going to practice).  I was busy chillaxin...  I'm gonna miss the lazy, hazy days of summer, but am ready to get back to the business at hand, nose to the grindstone, the structure, and the...PAPERWORK.  Luckily, I love what I do and do what I love.

Time to put away ~ 

the statement-making hats to keep the sun out of my eyes (not the ice cream, NEVER)

the candy colored clothing ~

dapper dudes in pastel

the possibility of summer soirées ~

the sandals

the layers of color

the leg baring outfits

the springy floral motifs

and the crazy mani/pedis

It's time to close up the beach house here on the east coast

and soon, very soon,  return to the layered, dark side ~ I can't wait

Have a Great Holiday Weekend ~ Arrivederci

Most photos:Tommy Ton

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