Friday eye candy " Alittle bit of this and a littlre bit of that"

Good morning lovely readers!  I' m happy that it's Friday, somewhere later than others but, the weekend starts!  I've been a little bit of a busy bee lately, our little one started school and for my peace of mind he's been doing great, happy and excited from the first day.  I finally have Internet of my own, no more using the generous neighbor's one and a lot of plans ahead personally and professionally.  I'll advance you that this blog is also going through a transition, like me, at the moment and it's going to change hopefully for the best.  I feel that this whole experience of moving to Sao Paulo has woken up feelings inside me that I thought were only mere imaginations or dreams.  While I work and organize some things for that change I'll be posting randomly.  For now, and until then, enjoy the good weather where you have it and have a wonderful weekend.  
Weather is a bit crazy lately.  Warm one week and then a few days very cold, so I'm keeping myself warm with lots of tea during the day.  Below a picture of my lovely Cinnamon tea.
images from Tumblr, Pinterest and the alternative bride.

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