A black and white Christmas with Tine K.

It's the weekend, yay! There's going to be a flurry of last minute decorating and wrapping here in my home in preparation of celebrating our 'Swedish Christmas' with my husband's family next weekend. If like me, you're looking for new ideas - here's a touch of inspiration. When it comes to Christmas, Danish brand Tine K Home always come up trumps. The Tine K Home  theme for the holiday season 2013 is black and white, save for the tree which is also decorated with a touch of earthy mauve (or, what would you call this colour?).

Tine K Home inspired by a post from Purple Area
Do you like a black and white theme at Christmas?

I've gone for a white and brown theme and hung ginger snaps in our tree. The scent as you walk in the door is wonderful, I can definitely recommend it. How do you create the smell of Christmas in your home?

If you love this style you'll also love the home tour of Tine K Home's owner.

For more black and white Christmas inspiration check out this Swedish home, this Norwegian home  and here for beautiful Danish Christmas decoration inspiration.

This afternoon I'm heading up to the nursery to watch my girls in their Luciatåg (Lucia procession). My eldest will be a 'tomten' and my youngest 'Lucia' with a crown of candles in her hair (not real thankfully), I can't wait, it'll be so sweet! What are you up to this evening / over the next couple of days?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

PS I have a little Christmas treat for you next week designed by my friend here in Malmö!.....

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