A Brazilian home to brighten up your day!

It's easy to forget when I look out at the gloomy weather here in Sweden that there are some parts of the world basking in sunshine right now (hello Southern hemisphere friends!). So this post is dedicated to you, and the rest of us will have to squirrel away the alfresco inspiration on our Pinterest boards until Spring! It's the Brazilian home of Lucas Jimeno photographed by Ruben Ortitz for Wish Casa. Stunning space!

Somewhere I would like to live for Wish Casa. Photography Ruben Ortitz with kind permission. 
Imagine that courtyard twinkling with fairy lights and a large wreath on those double doors. I love the black kitchen units and all the linen around the home (used instead of cupboard doors, table cloths, cushions, curtains etc - so beautiful) - I am thinking of using a dove grey linen table cloth for Christmas this year - lovely! 

Anything you love about this home in particular?

More stunning inspiration from this Brazilian beach home and this Brazilian escape

If you're hankering after a little Christmas inspiration today check out this home of a Danish clothes designer and this Finnish home all ready for Christmas. Very pretty! 

Have a lovely day!

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